See our new link, AT STUD
Have you been considering a breeding? Looking for a top notch male to breed to?
See our new link AT STUD
Considering sending your bird dog
with a professional trainer?
- You want a trainer who
patiently works with
your bird dog to bring out the best performance with the most style and
intensity - translating to wins and placements.
- You want a trainer who truly cares about what is best
your dog and what is best for you - your dog's health and welfare, your
budget and your goals.
- And you want a trainer with the depth of experience
breeds the confidence to know what, when, where, and how to handle
any training or performance event situation. You also want "confidence"
that you have made the right choice and that your bird dog is in the
best of hands.


How do you choose a trainer?
Ask the hard questions:
- What success have his trained dogs enjoyed?
- How does he treat the dogs he is training?
- Does he treat his clients honestly and with integrity?
- What can you expect from your dog?
We believe that the answers to these questions are best answered by the
stories of our clients and our dogs.
“We’re very proud to say that
most of our web site content was written by our clients. Their
dedication to the dogs we've trained for them as well as their
willingness and eagerness to become capable handlers has made it a
pleasure to do what we love, and that’s train bird dogs.”
Ben Lorenson

Producing Winners Every Day
Winner 2012
National Brittany All Age Champion
NFC Savannah's Hot Shot (Bammer)
Handler: Ben Lorenson: Owner Sheri & Bob Hudson
L to R: Ben Lorenson, Kyle Merill with Savannah's Hot Shot,
Tom Robin, Warren Montgomery, Paul Doiron with MTB Cabo Rita De Scipio,
Tom White, Margaret Horstmeyer, Dale Bush (Judge),
Chad Holman with Grand Junction Jake, William Smith (Judge), Dick
Pullium, Chris Rider (Judge), Joe Gower,
Leslie Andreas with Kinwashkly Dirty Ned Pepper, Harlan Gerardy, Scott
Runner-Up 2012
National Amateur All Age Championship
and last year's
Winner 2011 National Brittany All Age
NFC/FC/AFC Piney Run Art
Handler: Kent Patterson, Trainer: Ben Lorenson, Owner:
Martha Greenlee
Champion - DC/AFC MTB Cabo Rita De Scipio - handler Tom White
Runner-Up - NFC/FC/AFC Piney Run Art - handler Kent Patterson
3rd FC Oz II - handler Dave Lincoln
4th FC/AFC Cedar Creek Surgeon - handler Joe Waitman
Winner 2012
Dixieland Championship
Piney Run Hank
Handler: Ben Lorenson, Owner: Rob Donahue
Other Notable Wins and Placements for
2012 National Gun Dog Championship
3rd Place
FC Finn Maccuhal
(NFC/NAFC/FC/AFC Just call Me Roy x Bass Mountain
Risky Business)
Owners: Bill Gorman, Handler: Bill Gorman
Award of Merit
FC/AFC Hybrittin's BJ Betty
2011 National Gun Dog Championship
Runner Up
FC/AFC Hybrittins BJ Betty
(FC/AFC Cubasco x FC/AFC Reba's Baloo By You)
Owners: Art & Judy Cohen, Handler: Kyle Merill
2012 New England Brittany Open
Held at Flaherty Field Trial Area
East Windsor, CT
FC AFC Hybrittin's B J Betty
Handler: Kyle Merrill, Owner: Art Cohen & Judy Cohen
2012 New England Brittany Amateur
Held at Flaherty Field Trial Area
East Windsor, CT
FC AFC Hybrittin's B J Betty
Handler & Owner: Art Cohen